immune surveillance

美 [ɪˈmjuːn sɜːrˈveɪləns]英 [ɪˈmjuːn sɜːˈveɪləns]
  • 网络免疫监视;免疫监督;免疫监视作用;免疫监视功能
immune surveillanceimmune surveillance
  1. AIM : To study the host immune surveillance functions by the neuropeptide methionine enkephalin ( met-enk ) .


  2. BACKGROUND : Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 ( ICAM 1 ) plays an important role in immune surveillance , inflammatory reaction and phagocytose . There are few reports on how cell surface adhesion molecules express in the injured tissues of gout at home and aboard .


  3. The function of antibody memory cells is immune surveillance . quick ;


  4. Immune surveillance effect of TRAIL on the HBV infection


  5. Advances of the Research on Mechanisms of Breast Cancer Escaping from Host Immune Surveillance


  6. The role mechanism of alpha fetoprotein in escaping immune surveillance of hepatoma cells


  7. Cancer cells evade immune surveillance is the important reasons of recurrence and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma .


  8. Tumor can escape from immune surveillance mechanisms of host self through a number of pathways or mechanisms .


  9. Escaping mechanism of malignant nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell SUME from natural killer cell-mediated immune surveillance


  10. Methods The data of morbidity and immune surveillance of pertussis in 1991 - 2000 was analyzed by descriptive epidemiology .


  11. Currently intensive researches have shown that NKG2D ligands expressed on leukemia cells are involved in leukemia immune surveillance .


  12. Immunity of liver cancer patients is compromised , mainly for T-cells inactivation and cancer cells evading of immune surveillance .


  13. Tumor cells may escape from immune surveillance by highly expressing FasL and induce TIL apoptosis and perform infiltration and metastasis .


  14. Human NKT cells in tumor immune surveillance , protection and inhibition of its potential to play a basic mechanism has not yet fully understood .


  15. As we understand more about the roles of antibody in immune surveillance , it will help to make immunotherapy of tumors a promising strategy .


  16. At present , the generation , development and metastasis of tumors were considered the result of tumor cell escape immune surveillance from T and NK cells .


  17. The result indicates that the phagocytosis suppression induced by the dusts instilled may facilitate cancer development owing to breakdown of immune surveillance .


  18. This result may imply that the escape of SARS virus from human immune surveillance may be the causality plays a very of SARS virus infection .


  19. Conclusion : These data suggest that 5-Fu may enhance Fas expression in tumor cells and may increase the sensibility of them to Fas-mediated immune surveillance of the host .


  20. The allotropic expression strategy implies the potential apoptosis-inducing ability of perforin which may benefit immune surveillance and defense , and might also be adopted for therapeutic purpose .


  21. Virus can exploit strategies to evade immune surveillance by CTL associated with NP , that indicates the importance of CTL response in controlling infection of virus .


  22. Some human diseases closely link ERAD and certain viruses are able to exploit the host ERAD machinery to escape the immune surveillance and attacking .


  23. Conclusion In cervical cancer loss of HLA class 1 expression play a decisive role in the escape from immune surveillance leading to a greater appear , infiltration , metastasis of tumor cell .


  24. Conclusion HSPGs probably influence the expression of HLA - I on the surface of HCMV infected HELF . HSPGs indirectly regulate the HCMV immune surveillance evasion .


  25. Inhibition of apoptosis allows prolonged survival of tumor cells , and contribute to tumor cell to escape immune surveillance , such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy induced cell death , is an important mechanism of tumor development .


  26. CONCLUSION The expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in gastric adenocarcinoma was increased , but might not be sufficient for host immune surveillance of the tumor cells , on the contrary it might increase their mobility .


  27. The epitope inducing neutralizing antibody in high variable region 1 ( HVR1 ) is the reason for escape of host immune surveillance , evolution of chronic infection , and also difficulty of producing wide spectrum vaccine .


  28. Burnet developed the immunosurveillance concept in 1971 . Malignant cells obviously escape immune surveillance , which suggests that they possess the ability of evading any potentially lethal effector mechanisms operated by the immune system .


  29. Results Th1 / Th2 shift can be detected in the host after therapy of the tumor . Tumor cells escape from host immune surveillance by altering Th1 / Th2 , which could lead to tumor recurrence .


  30. Objective : To detect the expressions of Fas , FasL in human epithelial cancer ( OEC ) tissues and their tumor infiltrating lymphocytes ( TIL ) and explore the mechanism of neoplasmas escaping from immune surveillance .
